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Upstream designs a fitness experience for Nestlé Cereals: Fitness Diary 2007

Once more, Upstream was appointed by Nestlé to offer its Fitness cereal consumers, worldwide, a fun and useful digital experience. From November 2006, Nestlé’s friends have been actively pursuing their fitness goals through the Nestlé Fitness Trainer, an exciting, interactive way that helps consumers manage their line goals.

In order to enjoy their personalized Fitness Diary, participants have to fill invia Web or mobilethe unique code, found on the promotional packs of Nestlé cereals. This is the beginning of a continuous fitness program, whereby consumers can fill information about them and set their line goals.

Once they have done that, the Diary starts working out sample menus, ensuring that they are nutritionally balanced. As they send more codes, users of the Diary can access a greater variety of its features, like healthy recipes and their respective shopping lists. Throughout their fitness journey consumers can track their progress and adjust their goals.

The campaign’s high response rates hinge on Upstreams expertise in the design of multilanguage interactive experiences framed around useful, entertaining content.



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