Upstream, a world leader in mobile marketing, and TELEFÓNICA O2 Czech Republic have launched in November a unique mobile trivia competition in the Czech Republic. This competition is unique as it relies totally on the skill and knowledge of participants with no element of luck involved. “Hrajte s O2 o 100 BMW” gives participants the opportunity to test their trivia knowledge against Upstream’s extensive trivia database; for 100 days, the best contestant every day wins a new BMW Series 1. The competition has already been met with amazing response by the Czech public.
Outubro 30, 2024
Upstream lança programa global de Responsabilidade Corporativa com ação no Rio de Janeiro.A Upstream, líder global em tecnologia de marketing,anunciou o lançamento de seu novo programa de responsabilidade social corporativa, o Updreamers, que envolve funcionários de todo o mundo em ações de voluntariado e mentoria para promover impacto social e ambiental significativo.