
We have stories to tell

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In the media

Top Marketing Automation Capabilities

MobileMagazine features Upstream's insights on the essential marketing automation capabilities that every MarTech platform must offer.

Forbes features Secure-D’s findings on VivaVideo app triggering 20 million suspicious transactions from over one million infected devices.

Upstream Deputy CEO, Kostas Kastanis, highlights the need of mobile operators to capitalize on the shift to digital in Vanilla Plus.

Dimitris Maniatis, Ustream's CEO, talks about Secure-D and how mobile users can steer clear of malware in Inside Story.

Upstream's Deputy CEO, Kostas Kastanis, explains how the pandemic has only magnified the digital gap and suggests the benefits for operators making connectivity affordable.

Buzzfeed leverages Secure-D’s data to unravel how low end Chinese Android smartphones can be far more costly than they seem.

CNN Business reports on the revelations of Upstream’s security platform regarding pre-installed malware on thousands of Chinese low-end Android devices in Africa.

Recent press releases

October 20, 2022

Upstream Continues Mobile Marketing Momentum with 15% Revenue Growth in the First Nine Months of 2022

Upstream, the global mobile marketing technology specialist has reported a 15% rise in revenue over the first nine months of 2022.

October 13, 2022

DiGaspi increases eCommerce sales and builds its customer base with new mobile marketing solution by Upstream

Increasing digital sales and building a strong customer base are the main goals for companies focusing on e-commerce. Looking for digital growth, popular shoes…

October 04, 2022

Upstream’s Mobile Identity: Online identification and first-party data collection in a post-cookie world

MarTech experts, Upstream, say its new patented technology can identify up to 85% of a website’s visitors allowing for accurate and efficient mobile marketing…

August 25, 2022

Upstream Helps Flormel Increase eCommerce Sales and Reduce Cart Abandonment

Upstream, the global specialist in mobile marketing, has been selected by Brazilian healthy snack food provider Flormel, to help increase their online sales...

August 23, 2022

Upstream’s Head of Enterprise Sales, participates in the ”Performance and Branding” panel at Digitalks Expo in Sao Paulo

Upstream’s Head of Enterprise Sales, Patrick Marquart, will participate in the “Performance and Branding” panel at Digitalks Expo in Sao Paulo…

August 03, 2022

RCS mobile marketing campaigns in Brazil and Africa by Upstream drive 37% rise in conversion rates over SMS and 137% higher click-through rates

Upstream, a global specialist in mobile marketing technology, showcased the power of Rich Communications Services..

Press & Speaking

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