The research was carried out by YouGov Plc. on behalf of Upstream, and was based on a survey of 5,215 consumers in Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria and South Africa. The survey sample was age and gender representative of each of the markets covered. The survey fieldwork was carried out in January 2016. We researched consumers to get under the skin of their mobile habits and understand how brands can maximise opportunities within these emerging markets. As the findings reveal, using a ‘one size fits all’ approach or replicating their developed world strategies won’t work. In the end, it boils down to two key challenges: firstly, making the offering relevant to the consumer and secondly, enabling them to pay for it. Reaching the next 3 billion consumers in emerging markets requires an adjusted approach for both, so working with a technology partner, with the knowledge of how to operate within these markets, is vital if brands are to overcome the challenges.
December 13, 2024
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